1 - 11 | 12 - 95 | 96+ |
A minimum order quantity of 12 applies to this product.
This product must be ordered in multiples of 12, quantities will be rounded up as you add them.
Sel 410 POL+ is a two-part chemical anchoring resin designed to anchor threaded rods in concrete and hollow walls and also has the advantage of good chemical resistance and durability in outdoor situations. This sophisticated chemical anchoring product is a fast curing injection system, delivered through a mixing nozzle directly into the fixing hole. The cartridges are extruded using either a specially designed fixing tools.
Note : Box of 12 includes 12 mixing nozzles
* Ideal for hollow walls, birckwork and masonry
* Economical
* Medium Duty Load Applications.
* Also suitable as a filler for gap and crack repairs
Used In
Concrete | Stone | Marble | Brick | Hollow
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